IGNOU Admit Card 2023 | IGNOU hall ticket December 2023

IGNOU Admit Card 2023

 IGNOU Admit Card 2023 : Hall Ticket 2023 will be released by the last week of November 2023. Candidates are requested to download it from the official website portal https://ignou.ac.in/ using their registration number and login details.

IGNOU Hall Ticket December 2023

The final week of November 2023 will see the issue of the hall pass for the December 2023 Term End Examination (TEE) by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). The exam’s essential details, including the student’s name, enrollment number, date, time, and exam center, are all listed on the hall pass, which is a crucial document. IGNOU exam admit card and practical admit card both will be released separately and candidates can get it online from the official website portal which is ignou.ac.in. Take a black and white print of IGNOU Hall Ticket December 2023 and carry it to the examination center.

IGNOU Admit Card Date 2023

On the day of the exam, all students are required to present the IGNOU Hall Ticket December 2023 to the examination center. All of the pertinent exam information, including the student’s name, enrollment number, exam date, exam time, and exam center, is contained in the hall pass.

Exam NameIGNOU TEE December 2023
UniversityIndira Gandhi National Open University
Exam Date December 01, 2023 to January 06, 2024
Admit Card Release DateNovember 2023
Official Websiteignou.ac.in/

Students will not be permitted to take the exam if they do not bring their hall passes to the testing location. On the day of the exam, all students are required to present the IGNOU Hall Ticket December 2023 to the examination center. Examining students will not be permitted to take the test if they do not bring their hall passes to the testing location.

IGNOU Admit Card 2023

ignou.ac.in Hall Ticket 2023

Candidates can download their IGNOU hall tickets online from the official website using the IGNOU Admit Card 2023 link. The IGNOU link will be available only after the release of the IGNOU admit card 2023. Indira Gandhi National Open University will publish and activate the link once the hall tickets are available to download for the candidates. IGNOU admit cards will be accessible in PDF form, in case any candidate is not able to retrieve the admit card they should contact the officials.

Steps to download the IGNOU Admit Card December 2023:

To download the admit card for the IGNOU December 2023 Term End Exam, you have to go through the step-by-step instructions below.

  • Go to www.ignou.ac.in, the official website of IGNOU.
  • Now select the Student Zone tab from the website then click on the link labeled Hall Ticket for December exams.
  • Enter the program and your IGNOU Enrollment Number.
  • Select the “Submit” option to get your IGNOU Hall Ticket.
  • Your IGNOU hall ticket can be downloaded and printed.

Important Links

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IGNOU Term End Exam 2023

For term-end exams, the university administers them in two sessions. The session times for each day are listed below:

Break: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Session in the Afternoon: 2 PM to 5 PM

Problems with getting the 2023 IGNOU Hall Ticket

Students should contact IGNOU authorities at the hotline numbers if they discover any inconsistency in the information on their admit card or if they are unable to download the hall pass. You can send them an email at the provided address. Email address: ssc@ignou.ac.in Helpline numbers: 29533870, 29533869, 29572516, 29572514, and 29572513

IGNOU December Exam Center 2023

The venue and timing details will be available on the IGNOU hall ticket, candidates must check it and analyze the distance of the exam center from their place so that they can have an idea of distance. Exam center codes and regional centers should be carefully chosen by candidates. The exam center will be assigned based on the order in which applications are received. Later requests to switch centers won’t be accepted. December 1, 2024, to January 6, 2024, is when the IGNOU December TEE test will take place


Picture of Rahul Verma

Rahul Verma

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